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Effective Website Design and Content, Part 1

Effective Websites in Oconomowoc Wisconsin

Written by John Demar
Published: June 1, 2008

So, what exactly makes for an effective website? It depends on who you ask and the purpose of the site.

For most small- to medium-sized businesses with a limited budget, a site should focus on these areas:

  • Does it offer a clear and easy way for visitors to contact the company?
  • Are there appropriate pictures of products or services offered?
  • Do its pages contain a "call to action" for the visitor?
  • Why should a visitor do business with the company?

Here in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, many of us know each other by first name.  If someone here asks me the location of my business, I'll say "Tom, it's on the hill behind the True Value hardware store."  Because my business is global, the fact that Demtron is in Oconomowoc is unimportant to my site visitors.  What they want to know is the quickest way to contact me, which are my business phone number and e-mail address. 

This is exactly why I put direct contact information on most if not all site pages for my clients.  Why should someone dig through a site to find a "Contact Us" page?  Of course, the page can be useful to show regional sales offices or pictures of sales reps.  Unless you're Microsoft and have a zillion ways to be contacted, it's best to put important contact info on every page and especially a home page. 

Continue on to Part 2 of Effective Website Design and Content...

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